Bilder från Camille


Ny Camille Bild

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Camille postade de här på hennes tumblr

I will no longer be a supporter of over processed, over autotuned, CRAPPY generic pop music. Most music on popular radio isn’t even MUSIC anymore. It’s Over-processed, Over-tuned, and Unoriginal. David Guetta pushes 3 consecutive notes on the piano, beefs up the sound a little, and everyone screams and looks at him like a musical GOD. WAKE UP PEOPLE. What happened to the days when music was actually MUSICAL? When Music was MORE than just 3 notes on the piano…and people valued creativity. My team and i are going to change pop music. Down to the smallest little details. I want people to be able to listen to my music and appreciate every aspect of it, knowing it took thought, creativity, and real talented musicians. Because i believe, if you have talent and work hard enough to create something beautiful and original, success will find YOU. The way its supposed to.

Och hon twittrade:




2 twit bilder från Camille

All u can eat sushi -  What I live for!  Waiters impressed at how a little body can fit so much fish.  No Problem!My DELICIOUS Birthday Cake - Mango Mousse!  Best cake ever!!

Grattis Camille ( 3 dec)

Camille bild!













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